Beatrice Cenci
1577 – 1599

Noblewoman. She defended herself from the sexual advances of her father and was wrongly executed.

1519–1589Catherine de' Medici
1580–1660St. Vincent de Paul
1588–1649John Winthrop
1585–1645Mary Ward
1593–1683Izaak Walton
1581–1656James Ussher
1515–1582St. Teresa of Avila
1584–1656Myles Standish
1561–1595Robert Southwell
1584–1654John Selden
1585–1642Armand Richelieu
1588–1665Catherine de Vivonne Rambouillet
1592–1644Francis Quarles
1527–1598Phillip II
1533–1592Michel de Montaigne
1577–1638Père Joseph
1542–1591St. John of the Cross
1585–1638Cornelius Jansen
1591–1643Anne Hutchinson
1588–1679Thomas Hobbes
1583–1648Edward Herbert
1578–1657William Harvey
1550–1588Henri Guise
1583–1645Hugo Grotius
1568–1591Luigi St. Gonzaga
1592–1655Pierre Gassendi
1592–1637Nicholas Ferrar
1524–1583Thomas Erastus
1540–1596Sir Francis Drake
1596–1650René Descartes
1510–1588Jean Daurat
1599–1658Oliver Cromwell
1592–1676William Cavendish
1540–1581St. Edmund Campion
1530–1596Jean Bodin
1598–1680Gian Bernini
1528–1577Remy Belleau
1596–1679Praise-God Barebone
1586–1654Johann Valentin Andrea
1507–1582Don Fernando Alaverez