David Baltimore
Born 1938

Scientist. Although much of modern medicine falls short of being scientific, Baltimore's career as a chemist, cell biologist, and virologist exemplifies truly scientific medicine. He shared a Nobel Prize 1975.

1896–1986Wallis Windsor
1895–1951William Wilson
1911–1983Tennessee Williams
1878–1958John Watson
1907–1979John Wayne
1927–1987Andy Warhol
1891–1974Earl Warren
1888–1953Jim Thorpe
1894–1961James Thurber
1899–1979Allen Tate
1903–1998Benjamin Spock
1904–1990B. F. Skinner
1885–1954Ruth Rohde
1898–1976Paul Robeson
1874–1960John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
1880–1973Jeannette Rankin
1889–1979A. Philip Randolph
1911–1993Vincent Price
1935–1977Elvis Presley
1872–1960Emily Post
1892–1964Cole Porter
1908–1996Roger Peterson
1898–1993Norman Vincent Peale
1885–1945George Patton
1871–1955Maud Park
1913–1980Jesse Owens
1929–1994Jacqueline Onassis
1913–1994Richard Nixon
1900–1949Margaret Mitchell
1891–1980Henry Miller
1880–1956H. L. Mencken
1855–1942Clinton Merriam
1890–1944Aimee McPherson
1901–1978Margaret Mead
1895–1989John McCloy
1909–1957Joseph McCarthy
1885–1957Louis Mayer
1895–1977Groucho Marx
1901–1979Zeppo Marx
1893–1961Harpo Marx
1891–1961Chico Marx
1880–1959George Marshall
1908–1993Thurgood Marshall
1925–1965Malcolm X
1880–1964Douglas MacArthur
1889–1974Walter Lippmann
1887–1948Aldo Leopold
1894–1956Alfred Kinsey
1922–1969Jack Kerouac
1880–1968Helen Keller
1908–1973Lyndon Johnson
1869–1940Emma Goldman
1886–1953Douglas Southall Freeman
1897–1962William Faulkner
Born 1941Bob Dylan
1901–1966Walt Disney
1886–1961Ty Cobb
1864–1943George Washington Carver
1888–1955Dale Carnegie
1876–1965George Baker