Elizabeth I
1533 – 1603

Queen. She became a symbol of courage, endurance, and brains.

1588–1649John Winthrop
1585–1645Mary Ward
1593–1683Izaak Walton
?–1536William Tyndale
1508–1568William Turner
1517–1547Henry Surrey
1584–1656Myles Standish
1561–1595Robert Southwell
1475–1535Lambert Simnel
1488–1560Mother Shipton
?–1567Lawrence Sheriff
1564–1616William Shakespeare
1584–1654John Selden
1500–1555Nicholas Ridley
1552–1618Sir Walter Raleigh
1592–1644Francis Quarles
1600–1669William Prynne
1512–1548Catherine Parr
1504–1575Matthew Parker
1567–1601Thomas Nashe
1478–1535Sir Thomas More
1516–1558Mary I, Tudor
1573–1645William Laud
1550–1603William Kempe
1591–1643Anne Hutchinson
1554–1600Richard Hooker
1544–1631Thomas Hobson
1588–1679Thomas Hobbes
1583–1648Edward Herbert
1491–1547Henry VIII
1578–1657William Harvey
1574–1656Joseph Hall
1552–1616Richard Hakluyt
1574–1637Robert Fludd
1592–1637Nicholas Ferrar
1570–1606Guy Fawkes
1490–1546Sir Thomas Elyot
1540–1596Sir Francis Drake
c. 1572–1631John Donne
1485–1540Thomas Cromwell
1599–1658Oliver Cromwell
1489–1556Thomas Cranmer
1592–1676William Cavendish
1573–1605Robert Catesby
1575–1621John Carver
1540–1581St. Edmund Campion
1550–1633Robert Browne
1545–1626Nicholas Breton
1545–1613Sir Thomas Bodley
1506–1534Elizabeth Barton
1596–1679Praise-God Barebone
1555–1626Lancelot Andrewes
1576–1633William Ames
1564–1620Will Adams