  • The Road to Serfdom
    (Available New and Used)
  • The Pure Theory of Capital
    (Available New)
Friedrich Hayek
1899 – 1992

Economist. A student of his fellow Austrian, Ludwig von Mises, the two of them made the so-called Austrian School of Economics (strongly free market and laissez-faire) dominant in the late 1920's and early 1930's. It was then superceded by Keynesianism but began a comeback in the 1990's.

1881–1973Ludwig von Mises
1889–1951Ludwig Wittgenstein
1908–2005Simon Wiesenthal
1896–1959Friedrich Waismann
1906–1996P. L. Travers
1861–1925Rudolph Steiner
1907–1982Hans Selye
1899–1959Alfred Schütz
1868–1954Wilhelm Schmidt
1888–1969Theodor Reik
1920–1983Mia Pringle
1875–1951Ferdinand Porsche
1882–1945Otto Neurath
1903–1989Konrad Lorenz
1900–1981Lotte Lenya
1881–1973Hans Kelsen
1856–1939Sigmund Freud
1878–1965Martin Buber
1870–1937Alfred Adler
1910–1980Joy Adamson