- George Fox's Journal
- The Essence of George Fox's Journal(Available New)
George Fox was the son of a Leicestershire weaver. He rebelled against the established religious and political authorities in spite of harassment that brought property loss, imprisonment, and sometimes death. Remarkably, Fox survived and even had time to visit America and help establish his Church there.
George Fox founded The Religious Society of Friends, better known as Quakers, which has had an immense influence on religious thought throughout the world and which also played a large role in the early days of the American colonies. Friends rely on orthodox Christian scriptures, but otherwise lack a formal creed. They believe that Jesus speaks to each of us directly, through an inner voice. Worship was originally unplanned, with spontaneous testimony from worshippers as the voice speaks to them. Quakers were also originally pacifists, although practice has come to vary in this too. Simple living, good works, and emulating Jesus' own life are all central tenets.
Fox had an absolutely indomitable will, which carried him through numerous beatings, imprisonments, and other severe trials. The world and especially America would have been quite different without his inspiring legacy.