Gertrude Bell
1868 – 1926

Archaeologist, student of the Middle East. She traveled and excavated in Iraq, wrote books, became head of Antiquities, and eventually came to symbolize the mysteries of the ancient and modern Levant.

1914–1981Dame Barbara Ward
1880–1958Marie Stopes
1879–1976Ernest Shepard
1893–1957Dorothy Sayers
1900–1969Stephen Potter
1839–1894Walter Pater
1903–1950George Orwell
1880–1912Lawrence Oates
1834–1896William Morris
1873–1958G. E. Moore
1882–1956A. A. Milne
1802–1876Harriet Martineau
1894–1963Aldous Huxley
1820–1903Herbert Spencer
1832–1902G. A. Henty
1912–1990Lawrence Durrell
1804–1881Benjamin Disraeli
1888–1988Archibald Brockway
1910–1989Sir A. J. Ayer
1822–1888Matthew Arnold