  • History of the United States During the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison
    (Available New and Used)
  • The Education of Henry Adams
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Henry Adams
1838 – 1918

Historian and essayist. He was one of the master expositors of the related values of sense experience (using our eyes, ears, and other sense organs to take in every bit of life) and empiricism (relying on observation, including careful self-observation rather than on logic or on authority). His life and work also expressed the value of a life of contemplation rather than action (in contrast to his immediate forebears, who served as U.S. presidents, congressmen and ambassadors); of friendship and private life; of beauty and estheticism; of knowledge and discovery; and of the appreciation of complexity and paradox.

1817–1862Henry David Thoreau
1902–1987Carl Rogers
1809–1865Abraham Lincoln
1842–1910William James
1859–1952John Dewey
1897–1980Dorothy Day
1857–1938Clarence Darrow
1907–1964Rachel Carson
1821–1912Clara Barton
1820–1906Susan B. Anthony
1860–1935Jane Addams