Hewlett Johnson
Anglican priest. He was Dean of the Canterbury Cathedral and was nicknamed the "Red Dean" because of his support for Communism and for the Soviet Union.
Anglican priest. He was Dean of the Canterbury Cathedral and was nicknamed the "Red Dean" because of his support for Communism and for the Soviet Union.
1929–2003 | Bernard Williams |
1858–1943 | Beatrice Webb |
1914–1981 | Dame Barbara Ward |
1880–1958 | Marie Stopes |
1961–1996 | Princess Diana |
1879–1976 | Ernest Shepard |
1893–1957 | Dorothy Sayers |
1866–1943 | Beatrix Potter |
1900–1969 | Stephen Potter |
1839–1894 | Walter Pater |
1857–1928 | Emmeline Pankhurst |
1933–1967 | Joe Orton |
1903–1950 | George Orwell |
1880–1912 | Lawrence Oates |
1834–1896 | William Morris |
1873–1958 | G. E. Moore |
1882–1956 | A. A. Milne |
1802–1876 | Harriet Martineau |
1865–1936 | Rudyard Kipling |
1894–1963 | Aldous Huxley |
1820–1903 | Herbert Spencer |
1832–1902 | G. A. Henty |
1912–1990 | Lawrence Durrell |
1804–1881 | Benjamin Disraeli |
1888–1988 | Archibald Brockway |
1847–1933 | Annie Besant |
1910–1989 | Sir A. J. Ayer |
1822–1888 | Matthew Arnold |