436 – 338 BCE

Orator. He taught and propagated the art of persuasion.

435–354 BCEXenophon
460–400 BCEThucydides
fl. 350 BCEThais
496–406 BCESophocles
469–399 BCESocrates
360–270 BCEPyrrho
490–421 BCEProtagoras
428–347 BCEPlato
fl. 350 BCEPhryne
382–336 BCEPhilip II
495–429 BCEPericles
?–413 BCENicias
460–377 BCEHippocrates
485–425 BCEHerodotos
485–380 BCEGorgias
480–406 BCEEuripides
341–270 BCEEpicurus
410–320 BCEDiogenes of Sinope
397–? BCEDionysius the Younger
383–322 BCEDemosthenes
460–370 BCEDemocritus
fl. 350 BCEDamocles
448–388 BCEAristophanes
384–322 BCEAristotle
fl. 350 BCEAristippus
445–365 BCEAntisthenes
500–428 BCEAnaxagoras