  • Les Enfants Terribles
    (Available Used)
  • The Testament of Orpheus
    (Available New and Used)
  • Beauty and the Beast
    (Available New)
Jean Cocteau
1889 – 1963

Author, film director, and leader of French cultural circles, he expressed a sense of whimsy and fantasy.

1909–1943Simone Weil
1881–1955Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
1847–1922Georges Sorel
1854–1891Arthur Rimbaud
1871–1922Marcel Proust
1915–1968Thomas Merton
1873–1907Alfred Jarry
1859–1947Pierre Janet
1869–1951André Gide
1910–1986Jean Genet
1848–1903Paul Gauguin
1862–1921Georges Feydeau
1859–1941Henri Bergson