1167 – 1216

King. The brother of Richard the Lion-Hearted, his evil ways were chronicled in the Robin Hood tales, and eventually led to his forced signing of the Magna Carta, guaranteeing some rights.

1170–1220Wolfram von Eschenbach
?–1183Chrétien de Troyes
1190–1264Vincent de Beauvais
1180–1249William of Auvergne
1157–1199Richard I
1138–1204Moses Maimonides
1214–1270St. Louis IX
fl. c. 1200–c. 1240Guillaume de Lorris
1135–1202Joachim of Fiore
1160–1216Innocent III
1098–1199St. Hildegard of Bingen
?–1190Ranulf de Glanvill
c. 1181–1226St. Francis of Assisi
1194–1253St. Clare of Assisi
1215–1296St. Celestine V
1182–1253John Carpini
1180–1246Gonzalo de Berceo
?–1173Benjamin of Tudela
1118–1170St. Thomas à Becket
c. 1193–1280St. Albertus Magnus
1197–1253St. Agnes of Assisi