John Baird
1888 – 1946

Inventor. His invention of television (along with Marconi and others) had profound implications for the development and transmission of culture and values.

1913–2007Thomas Torrance
1850–1894Robert Louis Stevenson
1918–2006Dame Muriel Spark
1812–1904Samuel Smiles
1837–1915Sir James Murray
1913–1994Donald MacKinnon
1927–1989R. D. Laing
1916–1995James Herriot
1859–1932Kenneth Grahame
1854–1941Sir James Frazer
1859–1930Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Born 1930Sean Connery
1875–1940John Buchan
1847–1922Alexander Graham Bell
1819–1905Alexander Melville Bell
1818–1903Alexander Bain