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Matsuo Basho
Also known as: Matsuo Munefusa
1644 – 1694

Poet. He was a lover of nature and a brilliant inventor and practitioner of the present form of traditional Japanese haiku. Each poem consists of seventeen syllables divided into three lines of five, seven, and five syllables, and must appeal to two of our five senses or to one of our senses and our feeling of movement. In his famous walk around Japan, he approached his experiences from a Zen Buddhist perspective, and described them in exquisite prose and verse.

1624–1691George Fox
1632–1677Baruch Spinoza
1623–1662Blaise Pascal
1588–1679Thomas Hobbes
1596–1650René Descartes
1599–1658Oliver Cromwell
1628–1688John Bunyan
1667–1748Johann Bernoulli
1655–1705Jakob Bernoulli