Miguel de Cervantes
Also known as: Miquel de Cervantes
1547 – 1616

Writer. His most famous character, Don Quixote, tries to recreate the lost chivalry of the Middle Ages. This leads to poignant and comic scenes such as "tilting at windmills," a phrase which has entered the language. Quixoticism also refers to idealistic and hopeless pursuits.

1515–1582St. Teresa of Avila
1564–1616William Shakespeare
fl. c. 1494–c. 1553François Rabelais
1533–1592Michel de Montaigne
1542–1591St. John of the Cross
1588–1679Thomas Hobbes
1596–1650René Descartes
1599–1658Oliver Cromwell
1500–1571Benvenuto Cellini
1509–1564John Calvin
1561–1626Francis Bacon