Sir David Attenborough
Born 1926

Naturalist and film-maker. His documentary films of nature and wildlife (Life on Earth, The Living Planet) taught conservation as well as an appreciation of the natural world.

1929–2003Bernard Williams
1858–1943Beatrice Webb
1914–1981Dame Barbara Ward
1880–1958Marie Stopes
1961–1996Princess Diana
1879–1976Ernest Shepard
1893–1957Dorothy Sayers
1866–1943Beatrix Potter
1900–1969Stephen Potter
1857–1928Emmeline Pankhurst
1933–1967Joe Orton
1903–1950George Orwell
1873–1958G. E. Moore
1882–1956A. A. Milne
1865–1936Rudyard Kipling
1894–1963Aldous Huxley
1847–1933Annie Besant