Theodor Herzl
1860 – 1904

Jewish leader. He became the leader of world Zionism, espousing a home for the Jews in Palestine, and became the first president of the World Zionist Organization.

1896–1974Giorgiy Zhukov
1883–1936Grigoriy Zinoviev
1884–1937Yevgeny Zamyatin
1895–c. 1939Nikolai Yezhov
1901–1981Stefan Wyszynski
1880–1943Max Wertheimer
1896–1934Lev Vygotsky
1883–1954Andrey Vyshinsky
1818–1883Ivan Turgenev
1879–1940Leon Trotsky
1902–1982Mikhail Suslov
1862–1911Peter Stolypin
c. 1886–1934Alexandre Stavisky
1879–1953Joseph Stalin
1853–1900Vladimir Solovyev
1893–1944I. J. Singer
1892–1954Esther Singer
1891–1945Maria Skobtsova
1900–1971George Seferiádés
1881–1938Alexey Rykov
c. 1871–1916Grigoriy Rasputin
1885–c. 1939Karl Radek
1890–1950Vaslav Nijinsky
1895–1958Imre Nagy
1892–1975József Mindszenty
1885–1971Georg Lukacs
1902–1977Alexander Luria
1870–1924Vladimir Lenin
1894–1941St. Maximilian Kolbe
1802–1894Lajos Kossuth
1894–1971Nikita Khrushchev
1881–1970Alexander Kerensky
1883–1957Nikos Kazantzakis
1893–1991Lazar Kaganovich
1850–1904Lafcadio Hearn
1869–1955Calouste Gulbenkian
1880–1942Michel Fokine
1872–1918Alexandra Feodorovna
1877–1926Felix Dzerzhinsky
1821–1881Fyodor Dostoevsky
1872–1929Sergei Diaghilev
1885–1979Sonia Delaunay
1863–1933Constantine Cavafy
1888–1938Nikolay Bukharin
1871–1944Sergey Bulgakov
1833–1887Alexander Borodin
1880–1921Alexander Blok
1831–1891Helena Blavatsky
1899–1953Lavrenti Beria
1874–1948Nikolai Berdyaev
1865–1959Bernard Berenson
1899–1972Georg von Békésy
1814–1876Mikhail Bakunin
1883–1935Eberhard Arnold
1818–1881Alexander II
1889–1966Anna Akhmatova